10X Tracker - BestValuesSite.com

You will use the 10X Tracker document to keep track of your login, password, and Referral URL (Your Personal Web Address) that you will receive from each of the monetization portals. Use your Sponsor's referral links from the message they used to give you your Free Benefit Package. You don't need a DropBox account to download the file, but if you would like to get a free lifetime 2GB DropBox account and enjoy what experts say is the most feature-rich file storage and sharing cloud host, click HERE.

Need a word processing program? If you don't have an office suite that includes a word processor now you can get a 100% Free World Class Office Suite by clicking below. You will at least need a word processing program to take part in our 10X System, so if you don't have one, click below now.

Make the process of logging in and out of the many web accounts you have seamless and easy. With LastPass you can save your logins and passwords behind a secure cloud password manager. Click below to get your free account now.